In the recent past I have been a volume steer trader selling consignment cattle and buying steers that had the potential of profit. Presently with my ranching/cattle consulting carreer and other income sources I am in a position to buy/sell those few real good ones that have the poteneial of being winners on various levels of competiiton. With two young daughters coming up and a group of loyal customers that still trust in me, I am still in the game regardless of numbers. This black and white steer is a perfect example of the product I want to put in your barn!
Structure and disposition are two of my top priorites in selecting steers. This guy is broke to lead, been on a halter and in a cooler daily for 45+ days. His phenotype and conformation are near perfect with top shape behind his blades that just gets wider all the way back through his square pin set. He carries shape down through his center and lower quarter. He is perfectly square at the ground with flex in all of his joints, long strided and has awesome rib shape with a neat chest floor. He is wide bodied from end to end with perfect balance from flank to heart. He is long and extended out his neck with just a pinch of loose hide down his throat as a good feeder should be. He has been cosmetically dehorned with a beutiful poll and has a wide brow and square muzzle. The angle from his knee to shoulder is perfect while standing on a big true foot. He is a southern born steer in the hot, humid east Texas region but still has the right kind of hair with nice fuzzy ears. At the same time his shape, balance and transition of muscle is so correct that he is an awesome slick shear project! This pic was taken at 4:30 pm after being on a halter since 8:30 am with no drench or pump full. This guy is an honest, down right, flat good one and I am very proud to offer this kind of steer to a good feeder.